viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016


You can improve your spelling, increase your knowledge of words and spellings, and dramatically improve your confidence with spelling if you understand that long words are often made up of a 'root' word plus 'bits' added to the beginning and/or end." (These "bits" are called prefixes and suffixes).
Uncomfortably, disinterestedunmanageableindifferently,unnecessarilyanticlockwisemisrepresentation...

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016


  1.   what did you learn about this lesson today?

Be specific and provide clear examples.
2.                 What did you like the most?
3.                 what didn't you like? why? how can you improve that?
Instructions: Answer the following questions.
Study the WH-Questions words and solve this exercise Reporte sus resultados en el blog. ¿cuanto puntaje obtuvo de 100%?
¿Como se pregunta: ¿De quién es este teléfono inteligente? en Inglés?.
  ¿Como se pregunta: QUE PUEDE POR TI/ QUE PUEDO HACER POR USTED, en Ingles? 

Investigue los modals auxiliary (pulse sobre la frase modal auxiliary para abrir el hipervinculo), su función y ejemplos.
Resuelva los siguientes ejercicios: Exercise Modal 1 y Exercise Modal 2.

Do not forget to post your answers and comments today! I know you can. Cheers!
Mr. Fuentes. 

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016



It's time to learn some action words. There are 105 actions words that have a high frequency in use. But you do not need to learn them all from a sudden. Instead, you will be able to use them as the situation demands it. For now it is enough to let you know which are the most common: 

First, Regular verbs
Second, Irregular Verbs
Watch the following videos 

I hope you may enjoy!
Best, Mr. Fuentes


Instructions: Answer the following questions.

  1. Study vowels /u/ and /i/; and diphthong /ei/
  2. What is the meaning of Sky? what is the meaning of heaven?
  3. What do you do for a fever? 
  4. What do you do for a stomachache?
  5. What's the problem with Daniela?
  6. what did you learn about this lesson today?
  7. What did you like the most?
  8. what didn't you like? why? how can you improve that?
Do not forget to post your answers and comments today! I know you can. Cheers!
Mr. Fuentes. 


Hello again! This time you will be able to see vowels and diphthongs studied in class and tomorrow topic. Check it out!


Hello you guys!

Today  we are going to review parts of the body and actions phrases. Please, take a time a part to study the following videos.

Now that you know some parts of the body, it is time to see some illness and diseases associated with them!

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016


Instructions: Answer the following questions.

  1. Open internet explorer and search three sayings of your preference you would like to learn and use. Translate them into Spanish. Copy and paste them in this blog.
  2. Find out about diphthong /ou/ and its four different spelling. Provide three example of each.Example:note, road, toe, snow. 
  3. Find out about diphthong /ai/ and its four different spelling. Provide three example for each case.Example: line, cried, night, fly.
Do not forget to post your answers and comments today! I know you can. Cheers!
Mr. Fuentes. 


lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016


Instructions: Answer the following questions.

  1. Mention receptive skills
  2. Mention productive skills
  3. Make a brief summary of the activities carried out in class today. 
  4. what did you learn about this lesson today?
  5. What did you like the most?
  6. what didn't you like? why? how can you improve that?
Do not forget to post your answers and comments today! I know you can. Cheers!
Mr. Fuentes. 

domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016


Hello dear Students,

My name is Dimas Fuentes and I will be your English Teacher. I have been teaching English for the last 15 years. My field of interest is phonetics, so I enjoy working with sounds, but I also work on Sociolinguistics issues for Spanish native speakers.

I am glad to give you a warm welcome to this General English Course for graduate students. 

Tell me more about you guys as for example who you are; where you come from; what are your previous experiences working in English, and what your expectations for this course are.

I hope to meet you in class. Bye for now. 


  1. Watch and listen the self-introduction speech presented by the Computer Sciences student and write the scripts for it. 
  2. Then, create (prepare and edit) your self-introduction speech. 
Deadline: Friday, 19 February 2016.
Score: 100 points. 


Estimados alumnos:

Les doy la más cordial bienvenida a este curso en línea que fue diseñado exclusivamente para ustedes.
Espero que con esta herramienta tecnológica se les facilite el estudio y el aprendizaje del contenido del Inglés General.

La invitación es para participar en el FORO DE AUTO PRESENTACIÓN; un espacio creado con el objetivo de acercarnos más y poder conformar una verdadera comunidad educativa. 

El prerrequisito para trabajar en esta modalidad es que usted cuente, al menos con una computadora y conexión a internet.

Tome en consideración las siguientes recomendaciones: 

1. Asegúrese de contar con una conexión de internet segura o identificar el cyber café más cercano a su casa.

2. Si se encuentra distante de algún centro urbano, y usted está en un área rural apartada o de difícil acceso, aprenda a anclar su ordenador a un dispositivo móvil (Tablet o smartphone), utilizando el mismo como un módem USB y zona wi-fi.

4. Para ingresar a su clase ingrese al aula virtual a través del sitio web de la Universidad de Panamá y siga las instrucciones.

5. Revisa constantemente tu correo electrónico.

6. Si tienes alguna dificultad, reportarla de inmediato.

7. Como este es un curso de Inglés, la mayoría de los contenidos serán en escritos en ese idioma, por consiguiente, te animo a que lo practiques desde el principio.

8. Participa en los foros, aportando o respondiendo a las intervenciones de sus compañeros.

Los exhorto a que hagan buen uso del contenido que hay en este espacio.
Sr. Dimas Eduardo Fuentes
Profesor de Inglés
N903: Especial-Tiempo parcial.



Hello1, my name is Charlie Gaingler2. I’m a pre-nursing student3 here at a local community college. I plan to obtain my Associate Degree in Registered Nursing and then I plan getting a job in a local hospital once I obtain my degree. Eventually I do plan returning to college and obtaining my Bachelor Degree for Nursing4. I’m a wife and a mother of two children5. One is seven and one is ten. My passions in life would have to be obviously my family. Then, I’m also very passionate in helping others. I’m also passionate right now about obtaining good grades and learning here at the school6. A goal7 for my interpersonal communication would have to be that I would like to become a better more sensitive speaker and listener. A goal for my public speaking is to become less anxious and more confident. Well, I would like to wish you all well and thank you all for watching my self-introduction speech today8.  

Now, read the analysis and assessment

Self-Introduction Speech Analysis.

 1Greeting _____
 2Name _____
 Age _____
 Nationality _____
 Address (Place of residence) _____
 3Job/occupation _____
 4Future plans _____
 5Family _____
 6Passion in life _____
 7 Goals and/or course expectations _____
 Hobbies _____
 8 acknowledgement and farewell _____

As you can see, a self-introduction speech may vary from person to person, so it is up to you what you want to let your audience learn about you. 

Then, it is a good opportunity for you to watch and listen the following self-introduction speech and identify what that person has included by searching in a checking list below:

Scripts: Mi propio video de Auto-presentación
Hi everybody! My name is Janice Rodriguez. I am 18 years old. I am Panamanian. I live in Torti, but I am from Panama city. I study Computer Sciences in the University of Panama in Torti. My plans for the future are to graduate from University. I live with my father, mom and two brothers. I like the pets. I have five pets. Art is my passion in life; painting and graphic design. My favorite colour is purple. Sports? I like the sports. My favorite sports are soccer, swimming and basketball. Now, my goal is (to) finish my university (my studies). My favorite hobbies are to paint, to listen to music and (to) create wallpapers. I hope you enjoy my self-introduction speech. Thanks for your attention. Bye...
Self-Introduction Speech Analysis.

 Greeting _____
 Name _____
 Age _____
 Nationality _____
 Address (Place of residence) _____
 Job/occupation _____
 Future plans _____
 Family _____
 Passion in life _____
 Goals and/or course expectations _____
 Hobbies _____
 Acknowledgement and farewell _____

Take into account not to make these mistakes (real example): 

Dear Lisbeth, 
I have received and assessed your self-introduction video. See below a summary of your evaluation and some comments:

1. You have covered 12 out of 12 aspects recommended, therefore, you have been given 25 points.
2. However, your speech is only 1.13 s, therefore, you have been given 15 points.
3. A pesar de todo, su presentación es clara y muy comprensible; fluido pero con errores menores = 20 pts.
4. Casi siempre observa y le habla a la cámara= 20 pts, aunque se noto que por breves instantes apartaba la vista de la cámara por alguna razón.

Pude percatarme de algunos errores de pronunciación con un grado de opcionalidad. Es decir, en algunas ocasiones la palabra MY era pronunciada como MI (en español), y en otras ocasiones fue pronunciada correctamente. Hay dos ejemplos a citar:
"Mi  nationality is..."
"Mi passion in live..."

Otros errores emanan del 'Verb-Agreement', es decir la concordancia en número que debe existir entre el sujeto de la oración y el verbo. Ejemplo: 
                                                  incorrecto: "My goal are to finish my degree in Computer Science". (solo mencionó una meta, por lo tanto, el verbo debe ser expresado en forma singular) 
                                                             Correcto: "My goal is to finish..."
1. incorrecto: "My hobbie is listening to music and watching tv in the evening" (dos actividades fueron mencionadas, sin embargo, el verbo esta en singular).
2. Correcto: " My hobbies are ..."

En cuanto a elección de palabras, la palabra 'Tecnica' en la frase "be an excellent Tecnica" es incorrecta. La palabra correcta es Technician y se debe pronunciar mas o menos asi: 'tek-nichian'.

Por ultimo, "I have one brother. Your name is Octavio", es incorrecta por que esta afirmando que yo soy su hermano y que mi nombre es Octavio, no Dimas.
Correcto: "I have one brother. His name is Octavio". El problema queda resuelto utilizando el adjetivo posesivo indicado. 

Your final mark is 80%

Mr. Fuentes. 


Evaluation Criteria:

·      S/he talks about, at least, 9 out of 12 aspects mentioned in the list above. 25 points*
 Notes:             twelve    (12) aspects well-developed  will obtain twenty-five (25) points;
eleven    (11) will obtain twenty                                         (20) points;
ten          (10) will obtain fifteen                                          (15) points;
nine        (9) will obtain ten                                                 (10) points and so on.

·      S/he considers time-limit and develops his self-introduction speech within 60 seconds to 2 minutes range. 25 points (there may be a penalization of five (5) points if your presentation length is less than 60 seconds or more than 2min) 
60 s        =                             5 pts
1:15s     =                             10 pts
1:30s     =                             15 pts
1:45s     =                             20 pts
2min      =                             25 pts
·      S/he is confident on the topic and does not read from his notes. 25 points 

Muy claro y completamente comprensible de principio a fin; muy fluido y gramaticalmente correcto=                                                             25 pts.
Claro y muy comprensible; fluido pero con errores menores =      20 pts.
No muy claro y poco comprensible; poco fluido y con errores gramaticales significativos=                                                                                           15 pts.
Difuso (no se escucha bien) y a penas comprensible; poco fluido (muchas pausas) y con muchos errores gramaticales =                                   10 pts.
No se escucha absolutamente nada y/o no es comprensible; nada fluido y plagado de errores =                                                                                   5  pts

·      S/he keeps eye contact thought out the self-introduction speech. 25 points
Siempre observa y le habla a la cámara=                                       25 pts.
Casi siempre observa y le habla a la cámara=                                20 pts.
Algunas veces observa y le habla a la cámara=                             15 pts.
Evita mirar directamente a la cámara y lee mientras habla=          10 pts.            


General English Course for BA Students
HORARIO:                                            Virtual learning      
HORAS TOTALES:                             4 Teóricas: 1  Prácticas: 4                                                                               
INSTRUCTOR DEL CURSO:   Prof. Dimas Eduardo Fuentes, Magister en Lingüística Aplicada con Especialidad en Fonética y Fonología. Facultad de Humanidades; Departamento de Inglés, Escuela de Inglés. Universidad de Panamá. 
Buenos días estimados participantes,
Es para mí un placer darte una cordial bienvenida a este su curso denominado INTENSIVE GENERAL ENGLISH COURSE FOR BA STUDENTS, bajo la modalidad semi-presencial a distancia. Quiero felicitarte por haber registrado en este curso, ya que como podrás comprobar al terminar el mismo, te será de mucha utilidad, ya sea al momento de incorporarte a tu campo laboral, como al interactuar y comunicarte de forma verbal y escrita en inglés con otras personas en tus actividades cotidianas. Te invito a que veas el contenido, las actividades y revises la programación de actividades y exámenes.
Estoy a su completa disposición para aclarar cualquier duda u ofrecerle una respuesta a cualquier pregunta relacionada a curso que tenga a lo largo del curso y espero formemos un buen equipo de trabajo durante la duración del mismo.
Sr. Dimas Fuentes

Profesor de Inglés. 

Under the request of dictating a basic English course for a pre-graduate adult language learner, who must meet with the graduation requirements as an option to the certification examination, I have prepared an intensive holistic program intended for false beginners to elementary students to be given in a period of 40 hours. The course will be held in Chepo Community College every Tuesday. The following is a brief outline of the course syllabus.

A.   Language skills (doing):
a.    Listening
b.    Reading
a.    Speaking
b.    writing
B.   Language Systems (knowing):
1.    Semantics and Pragmatics (meaning and meaning in context: manner, place and time)
a.    How to use a bilingual dictionary
b.    Meaning of the abbreviations next to the entries
c.    Phraseology
2.    (morphology)
a.    Affixes (un-; dis-)
b.    Suffixes (-cal; -tion)
3.    Syntax (grammar; form)
a.    Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives (his, her, its, their, our), object pronouns (me, you, him, her, us, them).
b.    I am hungry (simple present), she is. She is afraid of the dog.
c.    Present progressive (plans vs. intentions), verb be auxiliary.
d.    Simple past (verb be, regular verbs *-ed inflection*, irregular verbs, time expressions *positioning*, -ed inflection pronunciation.
e.    Present perfect, adverbs of manner and time
f.     Simple future, time expressions, will vs. going to
g.    Modals auxiliary
h.    Conditionals I & II
i.      Comparative and superlative degree.
j.      Conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet
k.    Because of, so, so that, however, although, though.
l.      Wh-question words
m.   That as a clause
n.    Prepositions

4.    Phonology & phonetics (pronunciation)
a.    Vowels
b.    Diphthongs
c.    Consonants – tongue twister to improve the pronunciation
d.    Consonant clusters
e.    Syllables
f.     Stress
g.    Intonation
5.    Discourse (use)
a.    Exclamations
b.    commands
c.    Useful expressions
d.    Idioms
e.    Slangs
f.     sayings
C.   Language abilities
1.    Spelling – dictation (how to write words within a sentence properly)
2.    Lexical items
a.    Romance
b.    Health (part of the body, illness and diseases. Verb hurt)
c.    Places and Directions (Public buildings and businesses linked to prepositions and there is; there are)
d.    Color
e.    Occupations (linked to famous people from the past, recycling from vocabulary used in the first lesson)
f.     fruits
g.    Weather (It’s hot in here…; how’s the weather today in Bocas del Toro? Rainy, sunny, windy, partly cloudy; what’s the temperature? )
h.    dates, time and money (numbers: cardinal and ordinal)
i.      animals (pets)
j.      Emergencies (linked to part of the body: call an ambulance; a heart attack; he’s choking.)

Rationale:  Adults can keep focused on a task for longer spams of time when compared with adolescents or children. A need analysis is required to identify individual differences and learning styles. Research has shown that most adults are visual learners. But it does not mean there might not be other learning styles represented in a highly heterogeneous class like this. 

ü  Silent way
ü  Audiolingual Method
ü  Functional Approach
ü  Natural Approach
ü  Communicative language teaching (CLT)
ü  Task-Based Learning (TBL)
ü  Total-Physical Response (TPR)

Nunan’s suggestion is to have the students figure it out the meaning; make sense out of it. Noticing is a key concept within this technique which demands a lot from students as they have to think logically from the general to a specific reasoning.


The internet
Songs and music
The learner’s first language
Videos and DVD
Word games
Multimedia projector
White board

Badalamenti, V. and Stanchina, C.H. (2007). Grammar Dimensions, Form, meaning and use, 4th edition. Thomson Heile.
Celce-Murcia, M. and Freeman, D. (1999). The grammar book. Heinle and Heinle Publishers.
Dooley, J. & Evans, V. (2008). Blockbuster, Student book 1b. Express Publishing.
Global English Academy, Oceano Beginners.
Gruttenden, A. (2001). Gimson’s Pronunciation of English. The English vowels and diphthongs. P. 104-136. Arnold, London. UK
Ingles Fácil, 3ra edición revisada, 1989. Editorial América S.A.
Lee, L. et. al. (2005). All Star 1. McGraw Hill, NY.
Lee, L. et. al.(2005). All Star 2. Mc Graw Hill. NY.
Murray, Elena P. (1992). Business English vocabulary and spelling. Second Edition. McGraw Hill. Mexico.
Oxford Mini Dictionary (2005). Oxford University Press. UK
Richards Jack C. (2013). Interchange Intro Workbook, 4th Edition. Cambridge University Press. NY.
Saslow, J. & Asher, A. (2011). Top-Notch 1. Second Edition. Person Longman. NY.

Saslow, J. & Asher, A. (2011). Top-Notch 2.  Second Edition.  Person Education. NY.